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Hi, my engine is DW10CD with DCM3.5BR2 ecu and I'm using diagbox v7.58
These are the PIDs and formulas that I've found, but I only really use the dpf related ones
Air Circuit
MP_REGIME_MOTEUR Engine speed 21C98001 INT16(A:B)
MP_DEBIT_AIR_MESURE measured air flow 21CA8001 INT16(AM:AN)
MP_CONSIGNE_DEBIT_AIR_a air flow setting 21CA8001 INT16(AK:AL)
MP_PRESSION_ATMOSPHERIQUE atmospheric pressure 21CA8001 INT16(K:J)
MP_CONSIGNE_PRESSION_TURBO turbo pressure reference value 21CA8001 INT16(G:H)
MP_PRESSION_TURBO_MESUREE turbo pressure measured 21CA8001 INT16(I:J)
MP_CONSIGNE_POSITION_TURBO turbo position reference value 21CA8001 M
MP_RECOPIE_POSITION_TURBO turbo position repeat 21CA8001 N
MP_RCOVANNETURBO Turbo pressure electrovalve open cycle ratio 21CA8001 AI
MP_CONSIGNE_POSITION_DOSEUR Mixer position reference value 21CA8001 Q
RECOPIE_POSITION_DOSEUR Mixer position repeat 21CA8001 R
RCOCDEDOSEUR Open Cycle Ratio for the air mixer electrovalve 21CA8001 ((AG:AF)-1000)/10
MP_CONSIGNE_POS_VANNE_EGR EGR valve position reference value 21CA8001 U
MP_RECOPIE_POSITION_VANNE_EGR EGR valve position repeat 21CA8001 V
MP_COMMANDE_EGR EGR valve control Opening Cyclic Ratio 21CA8001 ((W:X)-1000)/10
MP_CONSIGNE_POSITION_BYPASS_REFROIDISSEUR_EGR EGR exchanger Bypass position reference value 21CA8001 Y
RECOPIE_POSITION_BY_PASS_REFROIDISSEUR_EGR EGR exchanger Bypass position repeat 21CA8001 Z
MP_TEMP_CARB_C9 fuel temperature *1@\* 21C98001 AC-50
MP_TEMP_ADMI_DEBITMETRE air flow sensor air temperature 21CA8001 E-50
MP_TEMP_DEB Air temperature in the inlet manifold 21CA8001 F-50
MP_REGIME_MOTEUR Engine speed 21CD8001 INT16(A:B)
MP_TEMPERATURE_EAU_b coolant temperature 21CD8001 D-50
MP_PRESSION_CIRCUIT_CLIMATISATION_a air conditioning circuit pressure@\* 21CD8001 K
MP_CONSIGNE_VITESSE_GVM_01 Fan speed *1 setting@\*1
MP_MESURE_VITESSE_GMV Measurement of the cooling fan speed
MP_CONSIGNE_VITESSE_GVM_02 Fan speed *1 setting@\*2
TENSION_CAPTEUR_NIVEAU_HUILE Oil level sensor voltage 21CD8001 N
MP_REGIME_MOTEUR Engine speed 21C98001 INT16(A:B)
MP_TENSION_BATTERIE1 battery voltage 21CC8001 P/10
MP_CONSIGNE_DE_CHARGE_PROGRESSIVE_ALTERNATEUR_a alternator progressive charge reference value 21CC8001 N
TENSION_ALIMENTATION_5V_NUMERO_01 Supply voltage *1V n°*2@\*5@\*1 21CC8001 INT16(Q:R)
MP_ETATCDEDEM Starter control status
MP_ETAT_DEMANDE_DEMARREUR Status of the starting request
MP_COMMANDE_CHAUFFAGE_ADDITIONNEL_a Status of the additional heating control
Exhaust line
MP_REGIME_MOTEUR Engine speed 21C98001 INT16(A:B)
MP_ETAT_REGENERATION Status of the regeneration
MP_MASSE_TOTALE_SUIE_DANS_FAP total weight of soot in the PEF 21CB8001 INT16(J:K)/1000
MP_TEMPERATURE_FAP Particle emission filter temperature 21CB8001 INT16(Z:AA)
MP_PRESSION_DIFFERENTIELLE_FILTRE_A_PARTICULES difference in pressure between particulate emission filter input/output 21CB8001 INT16(P:Q)
MP_TEMP_ADMI_DEBITMETRE air flow sensor air temperature 21CA8001 E-50 possible 21cb8001 AH
MP_TEMP_DEB Air temperature in the inlet manifold 21CA8001 F-50
MP_DEMANDE_ACTIVATION_CONSOMMATEURS Power consuming equipment activation request 21CB8001 Bit 5&6 AB
VOLADDRESERVOIR Amount of additive in the additive tank 21CB8001 INT16(T:U)
NIVEAU_MINIMUM_ADDITIF_ATTEINT minimum level of additive reached
MP_VOLUME_TOTAL_ADDITIF_INJECTE Cumulative total additive weight in the particulate filter
MP_VOLUME_RESERVOIR_ADDITIF additive reservoir *1 volume@\* 21CB8001 INT16(R:S)
MP_DISTANCE_PARCOURUE_DEPUIS_ECHANGE_FAP distance travelled since particulate filter replacement 21CB8001 INT24(AI:AJ:AK)
MP_DISTANCE_PARCOURUE_DEPUIS_DERNIERE_REGENERATION distance travelled since the last regeneration 21CB8001 INT16(AC:AD)
DISTANCE_MOYENNE_ENTRE_LES_10_DERNIERES_REGENERATIONS average distance between the last *1 regenerations@\*10 21CB8001 INT16(AE:AF)
MP_DEGRE_ENCRASSEMENT_FAP_EN_SUIES degree of clogging of the PEF with soot
MP_DIST_AVANT_REMPL_FAP Distance remaining before replacement of the FAP 21CB8001 INT24(M:N:O)
MP_AUTORISATION_REGENERATION Authorisation of regeneration 21CB8001 Bit 5&6 AB
MP_CAPC_EFFEC_COURT_TERME Short term regeneration capacity
MP_CAPC_EFFEC_LONG_TERME Long term regeneration capacity 21CB8001 AH possible 21CA8001 E
CA_RICHESSE_CALCULEE_SONDE_A_OXYGENE mixture calculated by the O2 sensor 21CB8001 INT16(E:F)/1000
CHAUFFSONDEO2 Activation of the heating of the oxygen sensor
Fuel circuit
MP_REGIME_MOTEUR Engine speed 21C98001 INT16(A:B)
MP_DEBIT_INJECTE_MESURE measured injected flow 21C98001 INT16(O:P)/10
MP_SYNCHRONISATION_AAC_VILEBREQUIN camshaft/crankshaft synchronisation
MP_CONSIGNE_PRESSION_RAIL1 Setting for the fuel rail pressure 21C98001 INT16(K:L)/10
MP_PRESSION_CARBURANT_MESURE measured fuel pressure 21C98001 INT16(M:N)/10
MP_ETAT_ACTIVATION_STRATEGIES_CORRECTION_OUVERTURE_INJECTEUR injector opening correction strategies activation status
RCO_COMMANDE_REGULATION_DEBIT_CARBURANT Open cycle ratio controlling the regulation of the fuel flow 21C98001 J
MP_TEMPS_INJECTION_CYLINDRE_01 cylinder *1 injection time@\* 1 21C98001 INT16(AG:AH)/100
MP_TEMPS_INJECTION_CYLINDRE_03 cylinder *1 injection time@\* 3 21C98001 INT16(AI:AJ)/100
MP_TEMPS_INJECTION_CYLINDRE_04 cylinder *1 injection time@\* 4 21C98001 INT16(AK:AL)/100
MP_TEMPS_INJECTION_CYLINDRE_02 cylinder *1 injection time@\* 2 21C98001 INT16(AM:AN)/100
MP_TEMP_CARB_C9 fuel temperature *1@\* 21C98001 AC-50
MP_KILOMETRAGE_FIN_DERNIERE_BOUCLE_RECALAGE_PICL End mileage of the last PICL resetting loop 21C98001 INT24(CZ:DA:DB) pos 103
MP_CORRECTION_ACYCLISME_INJECTEUR_1 Correction of acyclism on injector *1@\*1 21C98001 INT16(DC:DD)-500
MP_CORRECTION_ACYCLISME_INJECTEUR_3 Correction of acyclism on injector *1@\*3 21C98001 INT16(DE:DF)-500
MP_CORRECTION_ACYCLISME_INJECTEUR_4 Correction of acyclism on injector *1@\*4 21C98001 INT16(DH:DH)-500
MP_CORRECTION_ACYCLISME_INJECTEUR_2 Correction of acyclism on injector *1@\*2 21C98001 INT16(DI:DJ)-500
MP_ECART_REGIME_MOTEUR_CYLINDRE_MOTEUR_1 Difference in engine speed on engine cylinder *1@\*1 21C98001 INT16(AU:AV)/16 -8000
MP_ECART_REGIME_MOTEUR_CYLINDRE_MOTEUR_3 Difference in engine speed on engine cylinder *1@\*3 21C98001 INT16(AW:AX)/16 -8000
MP_ECART_REGIME_MOTEUR_CYLINDRE_MOTEUR_4 Difference in engine speed on engine cylinder *1@\*4 21C98001 INT16(AY:AZ)/16 -8000
MP_ECART_REGIME_MOTEUR_CYLINDRE_MOTEUR_2 Difference in engine speed on engine cylinder *1@\*2 21C98001 INT16(BA:BB)/16 -8000
PID 21C88001
MP_ETAT_PROGRAMMATION_ANTI_DEMARRAGE status of the coded engine immobiliser programming
MP_PB_TRANSMISSION_CODE_DEVERROUILLAGE problems detected when transmitting the unlock code
MP_SYNCHRONISATION_AAC_VILEBREQUIN camshaft/crankshaft synchronisation 21C88001 F
MP_VITESSE_VEHICULE_a vehicle speed@\*
TENSION_SIGNAL_PEDALE_ACCELERATEUR_01 accelerator pedal signal voltage *1@\*1 21CC8001 INT16(E:F)
TENSION_SIGNAL_PEDALE_ACCELERATEUR_02 accelerator pedal signal voltage *1@\*2 21CC8001 INT16(G:H)
MP_POSITION_DE_PEDALE_ACCELERATEUR accelerator pedal position 21C98001 D
MP_INFO_POINT_DUR Accelerator pedal point of resistance information
MP_TYPE_BOITE Gearbox type
MP_RAPPORT_BOITE_DE_VITESSES gear ratio *1@\* 21CC8001 J 1-6 & 9
MP_ETAT_CAPTEUR_POINT_MORT Condition of the neutral sensor
PEDALE_FREIN_REDONDANT redundant brake pedal
MP_ETAT_REGULATION_VITESSE cruise control status
MP_ETATLV speed limiter status
MP_ETAT_CONTACTEURS_FREIN_EMBRAYAGE Status of the limiting of the vehicle speed
MP_PEDALE_EMBRAYAGE clutch pedal 21CC8001 D
MP_VAL_POSITION_EMBRAYAGE Value of the clutch pedal position 21C78001 AB
MP_ETAT_MOTEUR *1 engine status@\* 21C78001 AC 21C88001
MP_MESURE_MANOCONTACT_PRESSION_HUILE oil pressure switch measurement 21CD8001 L
Battery - CAN DIAG bus
Battery current 21C0 (1000- INT24(C:D:E))/1000
Battery Voltage 21C0 (INT16(A:B)+3000)/1000
They were branded as Glowmaster … n-heater-1
But they are just cheap chinese ceramic heaters. I took the plug off and wired in a rf remote switch so I can power one or both. Got the Autoterm fitted a few months ago but kept the electric heaters anyway
I'm a big fan of making used of dead areas, however I reckon that tools etc. flying around the engine bay wasn't a great idea.
These are the spaces that I used on my MK3 (2015)
Behind passenger seat - Fogstar Drift Seat 230Ah on its side
Under passenger seat - 1kw inverter and 40A b2b charger
Under drivers seat - 2 x 500w heaters, Autoterm heater outlet
Under van - Autoterm heater
Spare wheel - 2 x 35l water tanks
Rear doors vertical storage
Side door vertical space for electrics
I'm gona get a decent computer in it an go from there , my rib hips head an arms couldn't take anymore today ?
Feel like that every day now
The problem is with cheap materials and poor contact resistance. I tried tinning the maxi fuse with solder and that slowed the rate of heating down. But it still melted. The midi fuses seem much better, but still heat up. I'll keep checking for a while.
Yes, been thinking about that. Definitely came from the scuttle under the windscreen, there was a small woodland in there. The water at the bottom would still drain through, and it looked OK from the outside. It's probably been like that for a long time, and only became a problem when the seal failed.
Well here's the source issue. the route through the bottom of the wheel arch is cunningly designed so that a single leaf will block it enough, so that dust and debris will collect and dam it up.
Now that I've cleaned out the water catchment area under the windscreen, and dried the carpet out, I poured 15L of water from the roof above the windscreen.
On these vans the water drains from under the windscreen directly into the front wings, and drips out either side of wheel arch.
Low and behold there is water coming out at the sealed joint between the A pillar and the floor. Result!
I've been trying all week, lifting at the edges and using a dehumidifier. Decided today I was getting nowhere, and I need to on the road on Tuesday, so had to lift the seats.
So set the dehumidifier to full tilt, and it's almost dry. Right pita.
Looks good, and you can always add solar etc. later.
I'd keep an eye on these fuses though. I had used 60A maxi fuses for my DC-DC, and there were fine at 20A, but melted within an hour with 40A.
I've now replaced with a midi link fuse, and it still heats up but not as much as the maxi. Time will tell
Lexia can tell you the rpm as each cylinder fires, which could isolate the problem.
Does the van have a FAP exhaust?
With these later remotes the transponder is emulated in the processor. A stand alone id46 chip, as per the older remote should work, however it would need to be programmed via Lexia/Diagbox. Alternately there appear be setups that can clone these chips.
You could alwsys buy a new folding fob, and get a key cut with a photo.
Simply a case of just assuming the readings were correct, without actually thinking about it.
Heaven help us in the electric era.
Still have these sitting in my garage, and they will be heading for landfill shortly, so free to good home.
Finally got the alignment looked at, and the they commented that the last alignment must have been done by Stevie Wonder.
In actual fact you could see that the toe was completely out on one side by eye.
Looking at the previous result for the rear wheels (which cannot be adjusted) the readings were out on one side. So they did what they could to get the correct alignment, without checking that the machine had not been set up correctly.
So got beep warning triangle and message to indicate that the oil was low.
The dipstick indicated right at the low end, so I put in a litre, and turned the engine over. So the dipstick now shows half way.
Still the warning persisted, even after leaving overnight and restarting the engine 6 times.
Next I did a scan with torque - no faults, and then with Lexia & diagbox - again no faults found. I ran a diag on the oil pressure sensor, which came back ok, when the engine was started. At this point the warning disappeared.
Maybe I'm being cynical, but maybe it's designed to do that - keep warning until the dealers diag is hooked up?
Yes hanging as yours is
I can see the upper one, but no sign of the hose at the bottom 2.0 ATV 2015
I had similar to this, turned out to be the ball joint. For my Mk1 that meant new control arm/bottom arm/wishbone
Thanks. I seem to remember that my mk1 had the same issue, but it never seemed to get any worse, so I kinda forgot about it.
Did you just replace one side?
What was the rough cost?
Just back from our trip to Sicily and associated crap roads seem to damaged the suspension.
When going over bumpy surfaces there is a rattle on the drivers side, however it only happens if the van is turning to the left.
Any ideas before I open my wallet?
Thanks for coming back and glad you got sorted.
It's a depressing story. The rac guy was right, you should be able to start without the alternator. So when the belt broke, something else broke. In this case the broken belt must have damaged the sensor or its wiring.
So replacing the alternator was a total guess as was the fuel pump. The fuse box theory was also a total guess. None of these have a logical explanation as to why the engine fault and broken belt happened at the same time. Yet you have had to pay for the parts and work. Shame really.