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#1 2024-04-22 21:07:33

Registered: 2024-04-22
Posts: 2

surging idle/tickover when radiator fans are running

Hi all
running a 2014 1.6 dispatch van, the issue i have is that the radiator fans start at about 75/80 degrees even on frosty days also when the fans are running the engine idle speed constantly rises and falls
(surges) i have fitted a new temperature sensor but it made no difference, I have also checked for faulty battery and alternator but both are ok giving a charge of 14.4v under load when the van is idling correctly just hope this is a known fault and somebody can help.
thanks in advance .


#2 2024-04-22 21:56:36

Registered: 2021-06-11
Posts: 473

Re: surging idle/tickover when radiator fans are running

Temp sensor on the engine
Knackered water pump
BSI knackered

Possibilities are endless TBH, what you described could even be something like pipe blockage...


#3 2024-04-23 20:20:07

Registered: 2024-04-22
Posts: 2

Re: surging idle/tickover when radiator fans are running

might be onto something with the BSI as when the fans start up it strangely ejects the CD from the player,  this van is a money pit had a recon engine fitted last November due to tensioner failure at 98000 miles.
thanks Alvylad.


#4 2024-04-24 12:30:16

Registered: 2021-06-11
Posts: 473

Re: surging idle/tickover when radiator fans are running

strangely ejects the CD from the player

Absolutely typical for cursed vehicles, should"ve mentioned it at the first post.

The only reliable remedy known is to burn it or get ghost busters team in, but they are busy or dead by now.
That's what most honest mechanics say, whilst others don't touch them with a barge stick.

However, you seem to be determined to fix it, googling "ECU testing" might lead you to the ever so clever people, able to do something with them at extortionate prices without any obligations or warranties implied.
Please note, that both ECU and BSI are programmable and need be tested/programmed in conjunction with the other, so if one or the other need be replaced it rarely works out from SH components whilst new ones very close to a grand (some are over) including VAT


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