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#1 2014-07-21 17:37:32

From: oop north
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 174


has anyone one on here fitted 807/c8/ mk2 ulysses seats in on of our vans?  I know that the 806/synergie / mk 1 Ulysees fit ok

Or maby a Galaxy seat?


#2 2014-07-22 15:17:10

From: Galloway
Registered: 2013-09-20
Posts: 336

Re: seats

Always fancied swivel seats! Maybe next year.

I've read that the mk2 bases can be used which suggests maybe?

2006 Citroen Dispatch 2.0HDi bought in July 2013 - Partial camper conversion ........



#3 2015-02-23 23:01:11

From: oop north
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 174

Re: seats

I am going to fit some c8 seats  there are plenty about ,hopfully will be picking a pair up on sat 
i just did a basic conversion to get a mates wedding in Plockton but will keep the same layout as it creates more storage space (but have to  tidy up a get rid of bodges ) will post pics soon
I have now a immaculate bench seat for sale!

here  is a good blog, Mine is an ex WAV too


#4 2015-05-17 18:09:53

From: oop north
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 174

Re: seats

I have just swapped over to swivel seats today , I got got a pair of rough ones from a 806 for 50 quid
they are a straight swap
top tips , spray the outside bolts on the bases with wd40 you can get at them through the sill  as these will be rusty
If not on level ground put in gear and chock the wheels before  you unbolt the handbrake lever
I dident!! roll
make shure you have the necessary tools especially  a  t55 torx I dident expect the large bolts in the seatbelt corners
They also ride alittle higher than the scudo ones i would use the floor mounting spacers that come with the seats and not the scudo ones  or non at all.
took me about 3hours
Get a pair they are worth doing     big_smile

Last edited by monkeynut (2015-05-18 21:20:22)


#5 2015-05-20 18:49:33

Registered: 2013-09-20
Posts: 15

Re: seats

That def sounds tempting Monkeynut.

Any photos?

My van has a small (6 inches maybe?) steel lip / bulkhead on the floor behind the seats. Did yours have this? Did you have to remove it?

Must make some difference to the whole feel of the van!


On my second Citroen Dispatch - 2005 - Long way to go ... !


#6 2015-05-20 20:00:09

From: oop north
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 174

Re: seats

Mine didnt have the little bulkhead   but they are not structual  and are held in with a few spot welds and mostly seam sealer, and yes they do make the van more user friendly with a walk through between the seats
the guy this guy did the same  and had to remove bulkhead … conversion


#7 2015-06-04 20:26:12

From: oop north
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 174

Re: seats

just a link here   from a spanish site  showing fitting  some swivel bases  and if you scroll down  fitting 806/synergie seats  and it is as simple as  the photos suggest
you can also see the gap in the mat where the bulkhead was

Last edited by monkeynut (2015-06-06 09:36:27)


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