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I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself here but the EGR valve on the 1.9 DW8B engine works in two different ways. The actual gas valve opens at certain times, allowing exhaust gasses to enter the inlet side of the engine. The choke valve, in addition, closes off the air supply at certain pre determined times. This action is to cool down the combustion chamber and so reduce the amount of NOX emissions produced by the engine.
Unfortunately, after a certain amount of time, so much exhaust gas and soot get drawn in, that the whole thing gets clogged with a thick, black gluey tar substance. This completely undermines the purpose of the EGR system, by preventing the induction of clean air and making the engine pump out lots more pollution, causing the catalytic converter to become blocked and choke up the exhaust system. the engine will now not run smoothly at all.
You can clean or replace the EGR valve as many times as you like but this situation will keep repeating itself because of its self defeating process.
Now here is the simple part, there are two rubber vacuum pipes that attach to the EGR valve, they provide the power that make the exhaust valve open and the choke valve close, just pull them off the EGR valve. Don't overthink the process by wondering where they come from, just pull the buggers off, no need to block them up at this stage, just pull them off. Now take your van for a test drive, if your EGR valve has been causing problems, these problems will now disappear, it may take a while to burn off all the build-up in the catalytic converter but the immediate improvement in engine running and performance will be startling. If it isn't, the chances are, your problems may be elsewhere and not in the EGR system.
Personally whether the engine improves or not, I would Block the ends of both rubber pipes with 6mm Alan bolts and forget about them. This will stop the EGR system from causing you any problems, now or in the future. The exhaust valve will no longer open to pump smoke into the inlet and the choke valve will no longer close to stop the engine from sucking in fresh air.
Your brakes, or any other part of the van will not stop working, assuming they were working in the first place that is. I have carried out this procedure on two of these vans now and in both cases it was as if I had replaced the engine with a brand new one and my current van has run fine for 3 years or more now.
A word of warning here, If you cannot locate the EGR system or don't have the common sense to find the two rubber vacuum pipes that attach to it, STOP AND GET SOMEONE TO DO THE JOB FOR YOU THAT UNDERSTANDS THE BASIC FUNCTION OF AN ENGINE.
I do hope that this clears up some of the senseless questions and queries that have been asked on this post, it's sometimes too painful to read.
Last edited by GRIFFIN (2023-08-17 01:32:35)
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same
Hi all,
Sorry for jumping on a potentially 'forgotten' thread but got an issue.
I've recently purchased a Citroen C15 van and I'm having issues with excessive white smoke on start up which doesn't seem to be clearing for longer periods of time. It's had an engine change in the past from the original 1.7xud to what I believe is a DW8 engine. Read up through this entire thread and wonder if this EGR sh!te is causing issues. My EGR has only one vacuum connection which has a cotton/fabric covering on it which connects to itself. I have no other hoses connected to it and can't see any hidden away, nor do I have the valve which from photos on here is located near the coolant header tank. My worry is that from Griffins description I have a DW8 engine but my EGR has a green cap which stated previously belong to the DW8B I believe? I've cleaned the EGR and inlet (plastic tubes) as these were brimmed with coking/sooty debris. Any help is apprecicated! Cheers
Hi all,
Sorry for jumping on a potentially 'forgotten' thread but got an issue.
I've recently purchased a Citroen C15 van and I'm having issues with excessive white smoke on start up which doesn't seem to be clearing for longer periods of time. It's had an engine change in the past from the original 1.7xud to what I believe is a DW8 engine. Read up through this entire thread and wonder if this EGR sh!te is causing issues. My EGR has only one vacuum connection which has a cotton/fabric covering on it which connects to itself. I have no other hoses connected to it and can't see any hidden away, nor do I have the valve which from photos on here is located near the coolant header tank. My worry is that from Griffins description I have a DW8 engine but my EGR has a green cap which stated previously belong to the DW8B I believe? I've cleaned the EGR and inlet (plastic tubes) as these were brimmed with coking/sooty debris. Any help is apprecicated! Cheers
Couple of pictures would've helped to help you
Just isolate it, warm up engine couple of times to be sure all is as closed or as open it's meant to be (have normal air intake and don't bother exhaust gas) with pliers, before committing to a proper closure with bolts.
Last edited by AlvyLad (2023-09-21 00:44:39)
I would have thought EGR related shit would be black smoke. And chance you have a head gasket issue. Water levels OK. No oil in water or water in oil? Another option is diesel not getting burned. Stick your hand over the tail pipe and sniff it? Raw diesel and wet hand????? May be a stuck open injector. Worn diesel pump is a possibility also. Is your MPG low?
Hi all, sorry not been on here in a while.
Simplest thing to do is pull the vacuum pipe off and see if it improves, bingo job sorted.
EGR valves will always get blocked up and fail, by their very nature. They pull exhaust smoke into the engine inlet manifold, what else did they expect would happen?
Hope this helps.
Give us an update.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same
My convoy (Mk6 Transit engine) and my Maxus (VM Jeep engine) have both had the EGR blanked (Maxus is vacuum) I also binned the air box and added a cone filter. By Christ what a difference. More response on the throttle and less gear changing down on hills. Best thing i could have done to free up the strangled motor. Wonder if it may give the 1.9D a boost also plus that big air box takes up a lot of room.