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#1 2024-12-19 22:47:59

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2024-09-05
Posts: 30

Kitchen cabinet

A few months back, we built this kitchen cabinet for our Peugeot Expert Mk3. The timber was about £20 from Bristol Wood Recycling Project and the build took us a few days. It features a cupboard for our 25L water tank and four shelves behind sliding doors. There are LED strips inside the cabinet. Eventually, we will drop a submersible pump into the water tank and have a tap on top of the kitchen counter. Possibly also a sink... one day. Since the build, I have spent about a week living in the van. The unit is sturdy and the doors slide nicely. My only regret is not fitting a back panel for the top shelves. In their current form, things can fall off the back of the shelves and into a hard-to-reach area above the wheel arch.




We cut the sheet material with a table saw. Used a band saw for the angles. Hand router for the sliding door slots, which we then lubricated with beeswax supplied by a friendly beekeeper. Everything assembled by pocket hole. We were in a rush that day, so this is the only photo I have; it shows us routing the sliding door slots.


First trial assembly the next day...


There was quite a lot of adjusting to make it fit snug with the van. Typical French design; nothing is straight, square or even symmetrical. Then we screwed the cabinet to the floor and wall frame inside of the van. In the picture below, don't mention the gap!


At the other end of the kitchen cabinet, this gap is more intentional. I think we will fit some storage netting onto the far-end of the cabinet. Then it will be accessible when you open the back doors.


Finally, here is the cabinet inside of the (mostly) finished van.


More similarly bodged reports to come detailing how we did the panelling (recycled palletwood) and the bed (cantilevered drawer runners).

Last edited by Isaac_Blanc (2024-12-19 22:56:57)

2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp


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