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#1 2024-12-20 01:34:21

From: Bristol, UK
Registered: 2018-11-01
Posts: 267

Is The Filter Screen Supposed To Come Out Of Brake Resevoir?

Hello again to all. Just a quick one this time. I need to change my brake fluid. I plan on using a turkey baster to remove most of the fluid from resevoir, then a Sealey pump up one man tank thing to refill and bleed. This has a pressure cap that screws onto resevoir in place of the normal cap.

Recently when I was looking at the resevoir in my 2004 Scudo 2.0 i had a go at removing the screen under the lid. I didn't really force it, just tried fingers then small screwdriver. I could get it to move up maybe half an inch or so, but no more. Before I resort to destructive methods, can anyone tell me if this screen is removable and how it comes out?

I won't be able to use the Sealey bleeder with the screen in place as it has a dip tube under the cap that screws onto resevoir - the screen would be in the way. Please see picture on here - … tUQAvD_BwE

Appreciate any advice before I break something.    sad

Last edited by woodbine (2024-12-20 01:43:33)

Fiat Scudo 2004 (54) 2.0 Jtd SX Dynamic Van


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