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So, the fuel gauge has worked incredibly intermittently since I got the van, mostly not.
I've been using the clock trip and with the odometer recently looking like this, I've found out the hard way that the low fuel sensor light doesn't come on when I'm low on fuel.
(On the plus side, it meant I avoided going to an event I really wasn't convinced about going to!)
So, what's my route to getting this resolved? Fix the odometer? Fix the fuel gauge? Are they part of the same job?
I'm guessing I need a working odometer for the MOT ?
I'm guessing I need a working odometer for the MOT ?
Nope, I've had my mileage come up as "(Unreadable)" a few times. Not been an issue
So, what's my route to getting this resolved? Fix the odometer? Fix the fuel gauge? Are they part of the same job?
The trip meter/odometer and fuel gauge are unrelated to each other, apart from being part of the same unit.
First I'd try getting a new binnacle/dashboard, see if the problem is in there. It's easy to take that out - a few screws on the plastic surround and then 3 screws mounting the binnacle to the frame, then 2 plugs.
For the fuel gauge, it depends what the problem is - is it the tank float, the wiring between the tank and the binnacle, or the electronics inside the binnacle. To find that out it depends how much effort you fancy going to. You could theoretically take the wires going to the tank and see if they measure a different voltage when the tank is full. If they read nothing, then maybe there's a break in the wire somewhere along the run. If you need to, then getting into the tank isn't too complicated (as long as it's not made hard by rust etc). A few bolts holding the cradle, then the tank comes down and you can remove the sender unit, where the float is.
I'm assuming that low coolant light isn't on while driving and/or you've dealt with that?
2000 Citroen Dispatch 1.9TD XUD9 Camper Conversion
1999 Citroen Dispatch 1.9D DW8 Disassembled Camper Conversion
1996 Peugeot 806 1.9TD XUD9 Spare vehicle
1998 Citroen Synergie 1.9TD XUD9 Snapped timing belt
It would help if you say what year/engine you have as while they're all basically the same van,
early to late electrical systems may have some variations.
As Ken says, the odo and fuel gauge are separate faults and the low coolant level warning light may or may not be an issue
I find the one on mine is somewhat sensitive and triggers when its only slightly, not seriously, low.
On the upside, at least it tells me its working properly.
When all else fails, RTFM - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110
Thank you both. Glad to hear the odometer isn't required.
It's a Y reg 1.9D
The coolant light is almost always on, despite the coolant system working fine. The previous owner said he could never get to the bottom of why it stayed on all the time.
The fuel gauge was permanently at this point for months, then started occasionally showing the correct level after an oil change - this has been happening 2-3 times per tank of fuel. Sometimes it stays for a while, sometimes it only stays for a minute or two.
Does this extra information give an indication of where to investigate first?
Dash is off and I can see some bulbs are missing. Now wondering what warning lights I've not been seeing!
I've got a few replacement bulbs from when I did the heater, but they don't have the plastic casing
What part am I looking for?
I think some are meant to be missing?
2000 Citroen Dispatch 1.9TD XUD9 Camper Conversion
1999 Citroen Dispatch 1.9D DW8 Disassembled Camper Conversion
1996 Peugeot 806 1.9TD XUD9 Spare vehicle
1998 Citroen Synergie 1.9TD XUD9 Snapped timing belt
Excellent! Those have the same gaps I have.
Thank you!!
Let's hope it's not the oil pressure light and we're not both missing it!
2000 Citroen Dispatch 1.9TD XUD9 Camper Conversion
1999 Citroen Dispatch 1.9D DW8 Disassembled Camper Conversion
1996 Peugeot 806 1.9TD XUD9 Spare vehicle
1998 Citroen Synergie 1.9TD XUD9 Snapped timing belt
Its possible the LCD display is breaking down but it may also be due to
bad/oxidised contacts on one of the cable connectors or the ribbon cable connections to the display itself as this is not an unknown problem on quite a few vehicles.
I've had my clocks out but as they were working didn't take that detailed a look.
RE the fuel gauge
Again, bad connections and grounding must always be considered on older vehicles so checking/cleaning them first is a good idea.
As it appears to work intermittently it may be just a poor connection.
Apparently, the connector under the van near the tank is prone to getting the weather in
so that has to be worth checking/cleaning.
If cleaning has no effect then before dismantling stuff I'd probably ground the signal wire to ground (with ignition on) briefly to see if the gauge starts to rise to full.
This test helps decide if the fault is in the gauge or sender.
A can of switch and connector cleaner from say Halfords/Ebay or similar is always part of my tool kit
Last edited by RegW (2024-12-13 13:04:32)
When all else fails, RTFM - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110
Thanks Reg.
In replacing the blown bulbs I also took the odo lead off and replaced, and I've magically made the odometer work so suspect I've wiggled a wire or de-oxidised a contact in just the right way for that to come back to life again ?
Which makes the fuel gauge a lower priority again for now, however I'll get looking at what you've suggested soon, many thanks
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