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In the spirit of over-sharing my van conversion, here are some notes I made about potential storage locations in my Peugeot Expert Mk3. All units are in cm. And yes, storing stuff in the engine bay would be stupid, but there is just so much space!
Last edited by Isaac_Blanc (2024-12-19 19:50:29)
2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp
I'm a big fan of making used of dead areas, however I reckon that tools etc. flying around the engine bay wasn't a great idea.
These are the spaces that I used on my MK3 (2015)
Behind passenger seat - Fogstar Drift Seat 230Ah on its side
Under passenger seat - 1kw inverter and 40A b2b charger
Under drivers seat - 2 x 500w heaters, Autoterm heater outlet
Under van - Autoterm heater
Spare wheel - 2 x 35l water tanks
Rear doors vertical storage
Side door vertical space for electrics
Damn that's incredibly well-packed, and I'm impressed to see proper AC power in such a small van. What are the two HXs on either side of your Autoterm heater outlet?
2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp
They were branded as Glowmaster … n-heater-1
But they are just cheap chinese ceramic heaters. I took the plug off and wired in a rf remote switch so I can power one or both. Got the Autoterm fitted a few months ago but kept the electric heaters anyway
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