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#1 2025-01-07 17:42:17

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Air bag warning light

Recently I've had the air bag warning light stay on at times
Currently its intermittent but I'll have to look into it at some time especially before the MOT
I do recall some mention of pre tensioners resistors n stuff so I spose I'd better read up on them

any cunning wheezes chaps/chapesses?

Last edited by RegW (2025-01-07 17:42:45)

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#2 2025-01-07 18:51:23

From: East Lothian
Registered: 2015-12-20
Posts: 2,173

Re: Air bag warning light

In my Maxus the issue is Condensation in the airbag ECU. Is your ECU not in the floor between the seats. May be sitting in a puddle.


#3 2025-01-09 07:09:41

Eddie Honda
Registered: 2023-08-27
Posts: 27

Re: Air bag warning light

Intermittent you say? Try unplugging, cleaning, reseating the connector under the seat?


#4 2025-01-09 17:21:28

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: Air bag warning light

OK thanks chaps
Am I right in assuming one takes the precaution of disconnecting the battery before fiddling about with
airbag related stuff?

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#5 2025-01-09 18:35:27

Eddie Honda
Registered: 2023-08-27
Posts: 27

Re: Air bag warning light

In theory yes.

But when my Honda came back after the airbag recall. I'm 100% certain they didn't take off the battery as the radio was still tuned in and showing UK RDS data - even if they managed to tune all the stations back, it'd be on IRL RDS data.

Do it with the ignition off for a bit at least. I know I used to get random airbag lights on my wife's 106 because of all the seat movements between me & her driving it.


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