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Pages: 1
Hi All , Washed my van yesterday as its been sitting up for a few months and noticed my passenger door when opened was little tricky to close a few times as if the lock was sticking open or not lining up with the pillar catch but thought nothing of it .
Tried today to open the passenger door and wont open from outside or inside handle ... When you pull handle and hold your hand on oiutside of the panel near the lock mechanism you can feel movement internally and same when you push the central locking button but door wont release.
Biggest issue i have is the door is closed so i cant get it opened to get at the torx screws on the lock and also with door closed it is almost impossible to remove the internal door panel to get at the lock without possibly removing the front seat ??
Any one any ideas or quick fix ?
almost impossible
Should still be able to get at it enough to reach the bits that open it.
Probably a broken plastic piece of something not giving the required operating movement to release.
Pages: 1