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#1 2024-12-12 09:16:23

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2024-09-05
Posts: 30

Heater matrix replacement

I recently had to change my heater matrix because it was blocked. When I turned the heating on in the van, it would blow tepid air into the cab even when the engine was at 90C. I figured it was a problem with the heater matrix rather than the thermostat or coolant, because the engine was staying at the right temperature and the flow and return pipes to the heater matrix were getting hot. I managed to reach into the heater box and feel that the heater matrix itself was cold. More info on Reddit. Here are some photos from me changing the part. The vehicle is a 2018 Peugeot Expert mk3 van.

For starters, you can reach the heater matrix from the passenger footwell without removing any parts. This is useful for feeling the pipes etc, but there isn't enough space to actually remove the matrix. For that, you need to take out a huge amount of dash. Around 10 panels. The part that I'm pulling off in the photo below has a narrow plastic loop that goes behind the gear stick assembly. To get this off properly, you would have to briefly remove that, but instead I just cut through the plastic loop with some snips. Bit of a bodge, but I don't think the plastic loop was doing anything important. The red circle in the photo shows the heater matrix location.


Here's a photo of the heater box with enough dash panels removed to see it properly.


Here's a close-up, showing the two black clips that secured the flow & return pipes to the heater matrix. You need to remove these clips. I found that a jamming a flat-head screwdriver in there and twisting did the job. If you intend to reuse the clips then of course be careful. Fortunately, the replacement heater matrix that I bought came with new clips.


Now would be a good time to mention the importance of doing this job when your coolant is cold and your coolant system is de-pressurised. I was very stupid and did this just after driving, so I got a face full of warm coolant when the pipes came off. Fortunately, it had only been a short drive. Had it been a long drive and the coolant been hot rather than warm, I would be in hospital. Embarassing. If you want to check that your coolant system is de-pressurised, you can undo the bleed screw, which is found on the heater matrix pipes as they go through the fire wall, on the engine bay side.


In case you're struggling to get those clips off, this photo shows how they are held together.


Finally, you can push the heater matrix pipes out of the way and pull out the matrix. There are no fastenings holding it into the heater box, so it slides out easily. The difficult bit here is pushing the pipes out of the way while simultaneously pulling the matrix. The pipes are quite stiff.


And lastly, in case anyone is interested, here are some pics showing how the heat control door works. This is the door that the heater box moves to control the temperature of air blown into the cab. I tried to turn these into a gif so you could see it moving, but I think the forum doesn't like gifs. In these pics, I have removed the heater matrix and the little 'viewing' panel in the side of the heater box. When the blend door is in one position, all air is forced through where the heater matrix would be. When the blend door is in the other position, air is forced over the AC matrix, which is positioned further back in the heater box and barely visible in these photos.


Last edited by Isaac_Blanc (2024-12-12 09:29:31)

2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp


#2 2024-12-12 17:44:01

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: Heater matrix replacement

Good Write up and pics there.
I did similar to my 2006 MK1 a couple of months ago and the cab is now toasty!!

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#3 2024-12-16 10:17:36

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2024-09-05
Posts: 30

Re: Heater matrix replacement


Interestingly, that airflow door that I photographed does not control the cabin temperature. I managed to break the plastic arm that turns the door while I was fiddling around with the heater box, and in spite of that the temperature knob on my dash works fine. I can control hot or cold air into the cab. Perhaps the door is for using the AC. Shall find that out in summer!

Last edited by Isaac_Blanc (2024-12-16 10:17:50)

2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp


#4 2025-01-24 14:47:38

Registered: 2025-01-24
Posts: 1

Re: Heater matrix replacement

Hi just wondered how long this took you? It's something I need to tackle soon



#5 2025-01-26 19:22:02

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2024-09-05
Posts: 30

Re: Heater matrix replacement

Took me a day but I expect it would be quicker for a mechanic. Let me know if you run into any issues. Best of luck!

2018 Peugeot Expert Mk3 1.6L BlueHDi 115 hp


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