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#1 2025-01-23 19:58:34

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

OBD stuff

I've had problems and frustration getting an OBD reader.
The one I order from China got halfway around the world and to the UK
for those useless lazy retards at EVri to screw it all up
No idea where it is now but to be fair to Aliexpress they were prompt
in giving me a refund.
I saw one on Ebay that I bought out of desperation for £55 but its only partly functional.
the hooky software was  easy enough to install and apply the keygens to
and it kinda works using Bluetooth and I can get DTC's using it
It came with a USB cable which did nothing so I opened it up and saw there was no FTDI chip on the PCB between the USB port and cpu
Further research show the quality of these devices can vary greatly and missing or poor quality knock off IC's are common.
a seller who shows the PCB is said to help choose a better device so be warned if you're in the market for one.

Here my current device and despite the 'no returns' bollox on the listing I reckon I'm fully entitled for a return/refund.


Last edited by RegW (2025-01-24 01:42:39)

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#2 2025-01-23 20:22:46

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: OBD stuff

In case yer wonderin....
basically an FTDI IC is a common interface that converts signals from a high speed USB bus to levels processors can handle.

if you want get in to UARTS RS232 TTL I2C etc, n shit look it up lol

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#3 2025-01-24 01:35:05

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: OBD stuff

While I'm rantin on about this OBD malarkey.
Here's the £105 Launch CRP123 I bought (and returned for refund) to the Ebay seller which did SFA when trying to connect to the old Expert.
The listing suggested it would do so much, but in reality it didn't even connect to the ECU


When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#4 2025-01-24 04:28:45

Eddie Honda
Registered: 2023-08-27
Posts: 27

Re: OBD stuff

RegW wrote:

In case yer wonderin....
basically an FTDI IC is a common interface that converts signals from a high speed USB bus to levels processors can handle.

if you want get in to UARTS RS232 TTL I2C etc, n shit look it up lol

Why would you actually need it though? I thought the idea was you use the serial plug and either use a laptop with a serial port on it or a serial to USB cable?

Other than that, it's a fair point that some of these devices are only fit for the b1n and some homework is required prior to purchase.

Hermes are bad, but worse than them are Yodel.


#5 2025-01-24 07:05:42

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: OBD stuff

1 Firmware updating.
2 The option to connect it to a lappy/USB port if BT wasn't available.
3 If they cheaped out the ftdi ic what else might they have cheaped out on?
None of these devices will be top notch stuff for the price but should have at least the basic functionality
stated in the descriptions.

The software looks pretty useful though, I've only installed Delphi so far and it appears to run OK on win 10/64
based on a quick test run but will have a play with Autocoms later
I've collected quite a library of OBD software collected from various sources and will run few on my air gapped lappy
I have a few simple VCIs to play with but hoped the Delphi knock off would let me get more in depth access.

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#6 2025-02-03 00:28:19

From: Bristol
Registered: 2024-04-21
Posts: 223

Re: OBD stuff

Well 4th time lucky, I got both my refunds and bought another VCI from Aliexpress and its essentially the same device but in another case.
I gave it a quick test and this one works on both USB and Bluetooth, it seems quicker on USB than BT.

It gets fault codes OK,(none to report this time luckily) but as it wont go as far under the hood as a Lexia3 type thing, I ordered one of those as well.
In the pics below you see it gives a few items in the component activation area
but I only played with fan speed activation this time.

I've installed VMware 15.5 and diagbox 9.91 ready for when I get the lexia 3 VCI.
I had to install a hacked BIOS to get the virtualisation to run on this old Acer lappy
which was a bit of a faff but it's ready to go now.
I hope it proves to be useful.


Last edited by RegW (2025-02-03 00:29:46)

When all else fails, RTFM  - 2006 Expert 2.0 HDI/110


#7 2025-02-03 03:38:36

Eddie Honda
Registered: 2023-08-27
Posts: 27

Re: OBD stuff

Good to see you're having some luck with this.


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